KingCon 2014

KingCon, Durham City’s first geek convention, was on October 12th. I was super nervous but it turned out to be for no reason, as I had a great time and I did quite well! The thing I worried about most was not having enough stuff, but in the end I didn’t need to worry.
Here’s my stuff, all laid out on my bed the night before the con:
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Some new stuff and a few older pieces too. Plenty of variety! Here’s my table at Durham’s Gala Theatre:
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I ended up being so busy I couldn’t take any more pictures, but by the end of the day my table was looking very bare! My ever-popular mushroom magnets did well, as did the Pokeball badges. I said goodbye to the Phoenix, Snorlax/Tails and Alisia Dragoon, as well as the majority of the small stitchings. I also sold some of my handmade jewellery too!
There were two things that happened that were really awesome. First, I ran out of business cards, which I can only assume is good. Hope some custom work comes my way from that! The other thing is that when people approached my table and saw that the items were actually stitched, they would smile and say things like “that’s so cool” and “awesome”. I always worry that people won’t like what I stitch but I’m glad I made what I did as they were quite popular!

Anyway, that was KingCon, my first foray into the world of conventions. I’m really looking forward to doing another one, but first I have a load of jewellery to make for a couple of fairs I’m doing with my friend Lynn. Will be posting about my jewellery soon, as well as my finished Nei!

6 responses to “KingCon 2014

  1. I love all the little badge bits – the mushrooms, the Big Keys, the heart containers, the Skyrim markers… so much stuff! How many hours went into this table?


    • blackmageheart

      A lot of hours went into this table! I really mean a lot, too. I can’t say exactly how many but I worked for weeks. So glad you approve!


  2. tiffstitch

    Congrats!! It sounds like you had a great time and a profitable one as well. I hope you get some calls. 🙂


  3. Hooray for having a blast and selling at KingCon! 😀 I always liked tables that offered smaller items since they’re easier to spend money at lol. Too bad there aren’t any cons near me!


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