FFVIII Rinoa ~complete~

Finally got through it!

110 colours, 96×96 on 16ct Aida.

So, that’s two for the FF quilt done. I’ll be starting a Zelda pattern shortly, either the Great Fairy or the Hyrule Creation (depending on my supplies!)

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to complete all the squares I wanted to do, mainly due to some health related stuff I’ve been putting up with for a while. The patterns are all made up, so I can probably stitch them up sometime in the future – and I will be sharing all my charity square patterns when I’m finished with the stitching 😀

11 responses to “FFVIII Rinoa ~complete~

  1. Great work, again!


  2. Wow, she looks gorgeous! Amazing work!


  3. OH man, that looks absolutely amazing!


  4. Stardrifter

    Awesome work BMH =D Looks amazing!


  5. That looks incredible! Trying to figure out how you fit 110 colors on that patch…
    Best of luck with your health, I hope you can return to stitching soon!


  6. blackmageheart

    Thanks Star & strangestcharm!
    110 colours seems like a lot for a small space but quite a lot of them only have 1 or 2 stitches, which can get really tedious! Got used to that during the Shiva though, which I think was 137 colours :O
    And as for my health, well…I’m doing my best to keep stitching through everything 😀


  7. LOVE IT! wish I had the attention span for a piece like this.


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